Service times

Sunday February 16th, 9:45am Morning Prayer
Sunday February 23rd, Holy Eucharist
Sunday March 2nd, 9:45 Morning Prayer
Wednesday March 5th, 10:30 Ash Wednesday
                                          Holy Eucharist and imposition of Ashes
Sunday March 9th, 9:45 Holy Eucharist
Sunday March 16th, 9:45 Morning Prayer

Sunday March 23rd, 9:45 Holy Eucharist
Sunday March 23rd, 10:00 Joint LMA Service
                                               for Mothering Sunday

There is also a service of Holy Eucharist every
Wednesday at 10:30 am

What’s on

Celebration of St David’s Day

Sunday 2nd March at 2:00pm

There will be tea and Welsh Cakes in church. Please come a join us.